Now that’s what I call a New Year’s Eve party playlist !!!

The problem with New Year’s Eve is the pressure to have fun, to feel amazing about everything, to go against your better nature and do things you wouldn’t normally do. It’s the worst night of the year, for example, to go to a nightclub. People who haven’t set foot in one for the other 364 days troop out in droves, meaning you will probably be seeing in the new year queueing in the freezing cold as a large man in a hi-vis jacket shouts at you to move behind the metal barrier. Then there is the cottage-in-the-country option, which is also fraught with danger. Either somebody makes a disastrous attempt to get sexual and ends up crying about how lonely they’ve been since their divorce, or the evening is so crushingly dull that going to bed at half past 12 actually comes as a blessed relief. Better to hold, or better still go to, a house party where you can eat and drink far too much, plan incredible things for 2016, and enjoy great music from the past five de...