Sunk: the price of oil and the dream of Scottish financial independence

Sunk: the price of oil and the dream of Scottish financial independence Many Scots want to leave the UK and go it alone, but their hopes of financial independence have been dashed by the crashing price of oil. Patricia Nicol reports from Aberdeen, where the North Sea crisis is pouring cold water on calls for a second, post-Brexit referendum. In the pub at Aberdeen’s Dyce airport, Martin, Davey and James are drinking to the end of another two-week shift offshore. It is just midday, they have been here since 9am, and are already “five or six Coors down”, slurs Davey, the youngest at 29. Do not judge them too harshly. Their original flight was cancelled. “Happens all the time now they’re half-empty,” says Martin. Aberdeen airport passenger numbers have dipped by a fifth in the past 18 months. Besides, what they are discussing is how well their pattern of two-weeks-on, two-weeks-off employment works with raising young families: Davey is expecting his first child. the-sunday-times...