The Shady Origins of Fine Gael

The Shady Origins of Fine Gael written by Barney Doherty June 25, 2018 Leo Varadkar wants to portray Fine Gael as the face of liberalism in Irish politics. But as Barney Doherty explains, he would rather you didn’t know about his party’s shady origins on the far-right of the political spectrum. Fine Gael’s new leadership have invested heavily trying to rebrand as the liberal face of Irish politics. The calculation—formulated by Leo Varadkar and his team of well-paid spin doctors—is that Fine Gael must now present itself as a modern and compassionate party, in order to better align with changing opinions in society, particularly amongst young people. This makeover was most obvious during the Repeal referendum, and in Varadkar’s subsequent push for further changes to the constitution—with Fine Gael rushing to catch-up with the mass protests for Repeal, suddenly discovering it’s sequestered liberalism after years of obstructing women’s rights. This about turn...