They Shall Not Grow Old

Peter Jackson interview: the Lord of the Rings director on his First World War film, They Shall Not Grow Old Jackson explains how he took Great War footage, transformed it and gave the troops a voice again. T hanks to a mix of great enthusiasm and vast wealth, Peter Jackson owns seven planes from the First World War. Under his supervision, a team also built replicas of flying machines long lost to battlefields or scrap. The Lord of the Rings director has, among others, a Sopwith Pup and a Fokker triplane in New Zealand — a visible sign of an obsession with the conflict he has had since he was a boy, when he watched the air force epic The Blue Max and built Airfix kits at home. “I was interested in the First World War as a kid because my father was, and, as an only child, I would obviously pay a lot of attention to what Dad did,” Jackson tells me, calling from his base down under. His family has a connection with the war, too, as his paternal grandfather joined the ...