Tyson Fury - The Man Who Turned His Life Around

Tyson Fury interview: the boxer on fighting depression and his inner demons Boxing’s troubled Gypsy King opens up to Decca Aitkenhead about the “void” of success and the mental health issues that have plagued him his whole life yson Fury’s beard takes more than half an hour to trim and powder and perfect for the shoot. “I’d shave it off if I could,” he says dolefully. “But it’s part of my look now.” How much time does he spend on grooming normally? “None. I shave my head every other day, brush my teeth and shower. That’s it.” It doesn’t look like it. He’s come wearing a silk Versace shirt, white linen trousers and pristine trainers. “Yeah, but I’ve created a monster, haven’t I? I’ve created this flamboyant character, so now if I don’t turn up dressed the part, people are disappointed. It’s the brand. It’s just part of the job.” But then he adds: “When I’m at home I always like to wear a three-piece suit.” What? He lives in Morecambe with his wife...