Ireland - The Banana Republic - Corruption Paradise
Ireland "The Banana Republic"
One of the most politically corrupt countries in the world.
Fianna Fail Fine Gael & Larbour , All the same and all greedy pigs at the trough for years. The Irish People to be shafted for years to come.
Read the following , complete with even more corruption pay off's and write off's the rich getting richer. Criminal.
So, lets see – Irish Water: a synopsis so far. Ireland goes bankrupt and the Troika calls for more taxes. Water meters are decided upon and a plan to build Irish Water are hatched. Siemens, a company with massive resources and know-how in this area – and also with a massive installed base in the UK – offer to install the meters for free. Phil Hogan declines Siemens’ offer – no answer as to why he decided this was ever forthcoming – “just, no – we have an Irish solution to this” Both Siemens and industry analysts are baffled as to why a state would go for a far more expensive solution. Denis O Brien, the man accused by a High Court Judge to have “beyond all doubt” bribed a FG government to gain control of a a state asset (Esat)- and to have subsequently made hundreds of millions by selling same – “purchases” a company called Siteserv which specialises in the installation of water meters. This is about a year before the water meter tender. Now, numerous European companies also wanted to buy Siteserv and offered way more money for the company (which then owed €100 million to Anglo Irish Bank and was completely insolvent). The Irish Government (weirdly again FG) – (or actually you, Mr(s). Irish Taxpayer) gave the company to Denis O Brien with the €100 million owed to Anglo (now state owned – i.e. by you) written off. It’s not written off for you, the taxpayer – you still pay it – it’s just that Denis doesn’t, got it? Some gamble for Denis to buy a company with €100 million written off and with no guarantee of a lucrative water meter contract. A business in an area where he has no previous experience or competence. Siteserv subsequently bids in the EU tendering process and, lo and behold, wins. The contract is for hundreds of millions of Euros. Now, enter Irish Water. The CEO of which used to be the financial officer of an organisation which spent €100 million of Irish taxpayer’s money on the, according to the EU, illegal process to build an incinerator in Dublin. No incinerator was ever built or will ever be built but €100 million, again of your money, is gone – and John is now the CEO of Irish Water. No minutes of meetings – which spent €100 million of your money were ever recorded – the money is just gone. John then installs his homeboys and homegirls from the Poolbeg project to Irish Water – citing the abysmal salaries at Irish Water as the reason why nobody else would apply for these jobs. People who were direct beneficiaries of the illegal Poolbegl scam are now newly fledged semi-state employees. Paid for by you, the taxpayer – again. Okay? The biggest langer in this solar system is the Irish taxpayer. This is just the latest episode of the calamity that is Ireland Inc. We haven’t a chance – no matter who we vote for. But, we’re great craic.