Seriously ??? WTF ??? - On The X Factor last night Rita Ora asked someone "if Newcastle is in Britain !!!!!!!"

On The X Factor last night Rita Ora asked someone ........ "if Newcastle is in Britain !!!!!!!"

It is truly scary how pure pig thick a lot of this current generation are ,
She probably got all A******'s in school exams on the trumped up results (all to keep the percentages up) .. In my day , if you were thick .. you failed and that was that... peope still survived and had successful lives and careers. Added to that .. as a talented singer she is a very wealthy woman .. all adds to the ideal you can be thick as fuck and still be a celebrity and wealthy. This leaves millions of these iditots living in a world of delusion .. yes it's true that you can be a celebrity and wealthy.
Odds about 1:1,000,000
Hence we have all these unhappy young adults gutted with life , self harming and even ending their life young because of unrealistic aspirations. They need to be taught life is tough and if all else fails (the majority of you) cannot just go on X-Factor , Britians Got Talent , The Voice .. or even Big brother and become a celebrity. Also to top it off .. because of bank greed and corruption , weak governments bailing out secret billionaire bond holders, austerity .. this generation will be the first to be poorer than their parents. In a way I am gald I am middle aged and not young.

Have a lovely Monday :)


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