“Breaking Bad - The Movie”

All 62 Episodes Of 'Breaking Bad' Have Been Edited Into A 127-Minute Film

Pretty much everyone agrees that Breaking Bad is one of the best TV shows ever made. But it's undeniable that beginning to watch it from scratch, or even to re-watch it, can seem a pretty daunting task.
There are 62 hour long episodes in total, so it's a lot of time to set aside for the notoriously slow-paced show.
'If only there was another way to watch it, all in one go,' I hear you say.
Well lucky for you there now is, as somebody has edited the series into a movie.

Here's what the creator of the re-edit had to say about it: "After two years of sleepless nights of endless editing, we bring you the answer to that very question.
"A study project that became an all-consuming passion. It's not a fan-film, hitting the highlights of show in a home-made homage, but rather a re-imagining of the underlying concept itself, lending itself to full feature-length treatment.
"An alternative Breaking Bad, to be viewed with fresh eyes."

Breaking Bad - The Movie


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